Read Me


Riding The Revolution: How Businesses Can + Must Transform Themselves to Win the E-Wars

2000  Harper Collins

The real issues are not technological but Managerial (and one might add Directorial). This is useful advice to the smaller company now enabled by information technology to be a potential giant-killer.
— Carol Kennedy, Institute of Directors. Choice of the Month.



Manager's Handbook: Everything You Need To Know About How Business And Management Work

2002  Dorling Kindersley

A required read for any Manager.
— Edward de Bono
Managers Handbook.JPG


Business: The Ultimate Resource

2002: Bloomsbury.

Editor: Daniel Goleman

Best practice contributor: Paul Spenley.

Benchmarking: key methods for achieving competitive advantage.

“Business” is arguably the most ambitious business book ever published.
— Adrian Wooldridge, Wall Street Journal